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Prisoner Of Uncertainty by Tolu Falode

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6 Dec 2015

Tolu Falode a freelance blogger who writes for Bella Naija and also runs her own blog The Flame of Faith drops a new article which reflects the Nigerian society in terms of Lifestyle and standard of Living. Her article Prisoner of Uncertainty talks more about poverty, suffering and various activities striking the average Nigerian in the street.

Read Full Article bellow and refer to The Flame of Faith for more stories that touch by Tolu Falode.
Prisoner Of Uncertainty by Tolu Falode
Stories upon stories upon stories are told of how laughter is birthed through a grave of defeat-of how songs spring forth from a well of misery. But some people struggle with this revelation of another’s destiny. Some people find it hard to believe-could that truly happen to me? They whisper these thoughts uncertainly.
I understand that small voice-I have spoken with it before. It sits and wonders and then turns around and faces you with fears made in monstrous contours-of possibilities that cannot exist, of paths that you probably should not cross because they hold traps of treacherous gutters that hold sewers of defeat. But listen to me: there is more to you than you presently see-yes, there is more to your destiny.
I need you to understand-as a woman that has faced the fear of tragedy, as one that has stared into the eyes of death’s hungry painful gaze of lost promises-there is more than you can presently see.
Your path has not wounded here to defeat your previous laughter and determined instincts.
I know it hurts, whether it be death to relationships, friendships or even more-yes, the pain is very sore. I can understand that feeling quite well so listen to someone who has been there before.
You have more to offer than you could possibly imagine. There is a pathway before you-that only you have the key to unlock the treasure it holds. There is a secret within you that only your mouth can speak because only your ears have been gifted with the sound of its melody.
How do I hear it ,you may ask me? Well, it sounds a bit like your destiny but it carries the pain of past experiences tendered softly into the sweet sorrowful sounds of a happy melody but at the same time it is weighed heavily with the bitter taste of regret but still manages to produce a heavy projection of prospects. This is the beautiful sound it makes; this is the form in which it enables you to create: dreams, and visions into realities.
This is how it sounds-its mingled with a tingle of all your past sounds. Mixed up in a jingle of fears, faith and a feisty determination to face the future. That is the joyous sound it makes in your ears-if only you would stop staring at regret and fearing the many doors you now look into as possible paths for future endeavors.
Take this moment-to listen to the voice of your heart. Converse with your soul and see what thoughts it has to share with your words-watch how it changes your perspective into a more powerful form.
You see, what happens with people unfortunately is they fall into this dangerous tunnel of defeat and they get lost in the echo it produces as they sink suddenly unto their knees. They pay so much attention to that one powerful wound-you know the sore-the bruise life gives us to hurt our present mood; the sore that changes the landscape of your view. The one that speaks of so much regret and pain and resurrects the past filled with dead promises, a gaze into memory’s face.
Yes that sore is the one I speak of-that deep wound has the power to hold one hostage for so long in that deep pit of pain. And they seem to forget-people cross this bridge to meet their destiny again. Its like all life’s forces conspire to push you towards the right path and in that determination to make you face your future task, a mistake is made in the form of regrets and losses and faded faces and this is where the ditch of doubt is twisted into a lifetime of regret and riddled with the disease of past debts.
People fail to leave that ditch behind-they do not notice the rope that dangles softly to the side. You know the rope; right
The one that hangs loosely in the dark beside that ditch you have sunk into-that hole in your heart-there is a rope of hope that moves so softly-like a breeze-a lot of people perceive its presence but not many see-you see, because they have been blinded by defeat.
It dangles so softly-and it has enormous power in the swish it makes as it swings from one side to another-silently it calls for your hands to make haste. I encourage you take it-you know, those moments when hope speaks that all is not lost, keep holding on, you will come out of this deep defeat. I need you to hold that rope, and use it to push ahead-hold it for dear life-literally it is the only way out of your present fear of death-death to your dreams, your stories, and even your destiny.
Hold that rope of hope and use it to push forward and you will come out and face the path ahead. Because the magical thing about that rope is when you hold it close, it speaks to your heart and heals the wounds of a dangerous sore and it makes it a strong scar.

It will be a scar from which you speak to people about how to move forward in their dreams because once you join forces with the hands of destiny, you are no longer a prisoner of defeat, you are no longer bound to the well of uncertainty. So hold that rope, please-step out of your present misery-so your purpose may finally be given the breathe it needs to speak.

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